Important test delivery information pertaining to COVID (coronavirus).

Important test delivery information pertaining to COVID (coronavirus).

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Need to know: Why are PCR tests so expensive in the UK? - Reaction.Antigen Test | Unilabs | What is an Antigen test and how to get one 

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Some people in the early or late stages of infection may therefore return a false result, although this is not common. They are only positive when a sizeable amount of virus is present. The PCR test certificate may be paper or electronic. More research is needed to assess the accuracy, ease of use and acceptability of home testing before it can be widely used. However, Professor Ferguson added that hospital admissions were still rising and it was possible that the UK could see high levels of hospitalised COVID patients for some weeks. On Wednesday 5 th January , the government announced that confirmatory PCR tests for people who receive a positive lateral flow test will be temporarily scrapped , meaning those who test positive on a lateral flow device will be required to self-isolate immediately.      

COVID: how to make sense of the UK's new testing rules - "The private jet of testing"


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- Why is pcr test taking so long uk - why is pcr test taking so long uk

    A void antigen test means your test was not viable. This may be because they have previously been infected with the virus, or because they have been vaccinated. Many studies have shown that vaccination is highly effective at preventing the symptoms of COVID, especially the most severe symptoms that can result in hospitalisation or death.


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